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How Our Subscription Works

Our subscription comes in two parts:

  • The Recipe Manager and Cookbook Creator. This includes all the functions neded to store, edit, categorize and share recipes and to create cookbooks. Other included features are shopping lists, recipe scaling, unit conversions and importing recipes from text files. (In other words any feature that doesn't require AI.) These features are offered for a fixed subscription of just $3.99 (€3.89 / £3.49) per month which you can cancel at any time - or sign up for 12 months to take advantage of a 25% discount.

  • Functions Requiring AI (Madame Chât features). These are the functions to create bespoke recipes, answer cooking questions, and import recipes from photos. These features are powered by ChatGPT which we license from OpanAI. As we have to pay on a usage basis, we charge them out on the same basis. To import a recipe from a photo or create a bespoke recipe we charge around $0.06 (6¢) which varies depending on how much computer time is used to generate the request. We give a free credit of 35¢ to start with, which must be topped up by $10 each time you fall below a 10¢ balance. We believe this is the fairest way to offer these very powerful features. If you do not require these features, you do not have to pay for them.

Tos sign up please enter your details below, and review our policies before proceeding.

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Our Cookie Policy: Your privacy matters to us. We only use essential cookies, ensuring your selections and data entry are remembered as you navigate our site — no tracking or marketing cookies in sight.

Privacy, Yours and Ours: Your name and email are safe with us and never shared with third parties. While we store these, your payment details are securely managed by our payment provider. Occasionally, we might use your contact info to talk about your account or share updates about our application.

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