All About Madame Chât
Madame Chât is our AI Agent powered by ChatGPT from OpenAI.
Using AI to answer questions, generate recipes, or interpret pictures is a great time-saving tool, but one of the drawbacks is that AI queries need lots of computer power, and are therefore expensive to run.
When you sign up to My Dream Cookbook we allow you a small AI credit ($0.35 that must be topped up when it falls below $0.10 - so effectively a little over $0.25 in usable credit). This should be good enough to create around 4 recipes, or a little more than that for questions. The cost of running an AI query varies according to complexity, so we charge based on the amount of computing power used to answer a query. Top-ups are $10 which should be enough to create around 150 recipes. We tell you how much each query uses and what credit you have left after running each query.
Madame Chât responds to three types of requests. Requests for recipes, requsts for general cooking questions, and requests to interpret a recipe from a picture.
Requests for recipes can be vague or precise, whimsical or serious. Maybe you just need a recipe for what's left in your fridge. Or perhaps you need a fun recipe for a children's party based on Winnie the Pooh. Or you need a sophisticated recipe for a first date, that is hard to mess up. It's entirely up to your imagination.
To make a request for a recipe, from the Recipe Manager page select Add Recipe, then select the Import button. There you will see an option to Ask Madame Chât. When you have entered your query, select Send Recipe Request. It can take a while for an AI request to process, so please be patient. When the recipe is returned, review it. Next select Import Text to import the recipe into the Add Recipe form. Click through the form with the Next button making any adjustments as appropriate. Don't forget to review the ingredients to set one or more as a main ingredient (if appropriate). And be sure to set appropriate analysis categories before finally saving the recipe.
Interpeting Pictures
Madam Chât can read a recipe from a picture, as long as the image is not too vague. Recipes can be handwritten or printed out. If Madam Chât is unable to recognise a recipe in a picture she will either return 'none' or an explanation of why she is unable to find a recipe in the picture. To make a request to interpret a picture, from the Recipe Manager page select Add Recipe, then select the Import button, then select Import Picture.
It can take a while for an AI request to process, so please be patient. When the recipe is returned, review it. Next select Import Text to import the recipe into the Add Recipe form. Click through the form with the Next button making any adjustments as appropriate. Don't forget to review the ingredients to set one or more as a main ingredient (if appropriate). And be sure to set appropriate analysis categories before finally saving the recipe.
General Questions
Madame Chât has a wide knowledge of culinary matters, and speaks many languages, so can answer virtually any question on any of the world's cuisines.
For example, if you are shopping while on holiday in Spain, you can ask Madame Chât to give you the Spanish names of your favourite ingredients. Or if you have an unfamiliar ingredient, you can ask, what pairs well with this? Whatever the qustion Madame Chât is likely to have the answer!
To ask Madame Chât a question, select Madame Chât from the icons at the top of the screen, Select General Question Type in your question, select Submit Question, then patiently wait for the answer (AI requests can often take some time).